
How can we connect the intellectual, social and experiential potential of all citizens to design our urban ecosystem? We are looking for creative, innovative and inclusive spaces that, taking the city as a context, facilitate new ways of generating knowledge. That is how Ciudad Contexto (Context City) was born.

Ciudad Contexto (Context City) is an entity that promotes urban innovation based on a collaborative methodology that is structured in three interconnected spaces:
– Ciudad Estudio (Study City). It is the space for reflection, where specialists debate urban issues and set the challenge s to influence and transform urban policies.
– Ciudad Laboratorio (Laboratory City). This is the space for action, where people interested in a specific subject can experiment together to find tangible solutions for the city.
– Ciudad Diálogo (Dialogue CIty). This is the space for dissemination, where the knowledge generated around urban innovation is shared with citizens in an open and accessible way.

It defines six areas of political action from which to transform the city: Ecological Transition, Urban Transformation and Habitat, Technology and Citizenship, Emerging Culture, Conscious Economy and Co-existence and Health.


Maria Donnini, María Grifo, Silvia Puerto, Irene Reig y Maje Reig



The current edition is being funded as a prototype project within the DESIGNSCAPES programme “Design-Enabled Innovation in Urban Environments” (H2020-SC6-CO-CREATION-2016-3 Project number: 763784)
The contents presented are the sole responsibility of the project and can in no way be taken to reflect the position of any European institution.

Cycle 01. Cycle 01. Decoding Housing Equity


—Alberto Rubio (IVE), Rosa Jiménez (La escalera), Iñaki Alonso (Satt), Aitor Varea (Habitar Porto)


    15, 18, 19.05
—Pascual Pérez (CivicWise)


Cycle 02. Ingredients for a domestic feast


—Nuria Matarredona (GVA), Fernando Nieto (Tampere University), Pere Fuertes (Grup Habitar, UPC)


    10, 11, 12.06
—Cierto Estudio and cumuloLimbo studio

    till 18.06
Collaborative research
—Open call to think about the equity of our homes

The first edition of Context City focuses on collective housing as a domestic environment from which to confront urban transformation. Through two cycles that test the methodology of the Study City, Laboratory City and Dialogue City spaces, there will be activities that set challenges, seek tangible solutions and disseminate the knowledge.
The specific theme of the first edition is on Housing Equality, a concept that proposes placing people and their needs at the center of housing policies.


Cycle 01. Decoding Housing Equity
14, 15, 18, 19 May


Collective housing is becoming an urban fact that calls for putting people, their diversity and needs at the centre of design. The processes of construction and management that derive from it must respond to the challenges of their social, economic and environmental context.
In this cycle we will reflect on the concept of housing equity and develop a tool that determines its parameters and allows for its evaluation.


Cycle 02. Ingredients for a domestic feast
09, 10, 11, 12, 18 June


We start from the results obtained in cycle 1 where we have redesigned the housing equity index, in order to design projects in a more diverse, flexible and solidarity-based way.
However, when designing architecture, we take into account the theoretical framework and quantitative criteria In this cycle we intend to apply the tool and demonstrate its usefulness and effectiveness, and also to work around other qualitative parameters.